Episode 16: Potty Training
Potty training your toddler is a wonderful new developmental milestone for both parent and child! Nurse Practitioners Karen Gentile and Jessica Fanucchi discuss the theory of potty training while Registered Nurse Yael Cohen gives real life, practical advice on how she potty trained her four kids including what worked well and what didn’t. In this episode we will discuss the following potty training topics:
- Signs of readiness
- When to start potty training
- What age are most kids typically potty trained
- How to execute the day-of
- What to do if your child has many accidents on potty training day
- Potty chair vs. toilet seat insert
- How to overcome fearful pooping
- The child who was potty trained but having accidents again
- Late potty trainers
- How to incentivize your child appropriately
- The age in which bed wetting and accidents are normal