HAPPY ST. PATRICK’S DAY!!! I hope everyone enjoyed the weekend festivities and took advantage of the parade and the dyeing of the Chicago River green! For me St. Patrick’s Day marks the beginning of spring! Even the weather seems to be cooperating as we’ve been able to enjoy a few days above 50 degrees! With the lengthening of the daylight thanks to Daylight Savings Time, people seem instantly happier and more positive. I’ve even observed more people walking around and riding bikes outside. Just tonight as I write this, Jean (the Nurse Practitioner) and I were commenting on how fast the workday has felt because of the sunlight. You can literally smell spring in the air and sometimes if you inhale deeply enough, you’ll even get a quick sneeze in from the spring time pollens. I never thought I’d be so happy to have my seasonal allergies return!
I get excited just thinking about spring and summer! The first thing on my agenda for spring is grilling outside…oh and also scrubbing the residual salt off of my car and shoes! Just two weekends ago I was snow-shoeing with my boyfriend in an effort to get outside and do something active, now in just 2 more weeks we’ll be enjoying our first Cubs game of the season (opening day for our Cubbies is on 3/31/14 but who’s counting?)!
Best Regards
Karen Gentile, CPNP