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Families may decide to use a retail-based health clinic because they believe it is convenient and less expensive, but according to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), these clinics do not provide children with the high-quality, regular preventive health care children need.
In an updated policy statement, the AAP emphasizes that retail-based clinics are an inappropriate source of primary care for children because they fragment children’s health care and do not support the medical home.
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The policy statement, “AAP Principles Concerning Retail-Based Clinics” updates the Academy’s 2006 policy statement, which expressed strong opposition to the use of retail-based clinics. The AAP acknowledges that the number of retail-based clinics has grown to more than 6,000 as of 2012. Surveys indicate 15 percent of children are likely to use a retail-based clinic in the future, although the majority of patients are adults.
